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Tom Kunz, one of The Wizard's best friends, past President of the largest real estate franchise in the world . . . when he saw The 5/30 Grid for the first time he said . . . "Wizard, do you know what you have here?" The Wizard said he thought he did but Tom corrected The Wizard because The Wizard did not. NOW . . . just to make a note, just because Tom corrected The Wizard does not mean you can.
Tom said . . . "Wizard, you have the holy grail of business! Whoever created The 5/30 Grid is a genius, and very likely the smartest person on the planet."
Now the Wizard knew this could not be the case . . . because obviously The Wizard is the smartest and most humble person on the planet . . . but The Wizard did seek to find the genius who created it.
The Wizard was much younger then and thought that Tom was just being a bit dramatic because that's what Expressive personalities do, but over the next 11+ years The Wizard learned that Tom saw things that even The Wizard did not see.
It's always interesting to The Wizard . . . when people who think they are smart say "I've seen something like The 5/30 Grid before." The Wizard just laughs and calls them stupid. If Tom Kunz, international speaker and author, President of the largest real estate franchise in the world, leader who helped Easter Seals raise over 100 million dollars hadn't ever seen something like this before . . . there's a good chance that anyone who thinks they have . . . well . . . like The Wizard says . . . are just stupid.