NOTE: Most of us realize we procrastinate, but not at the time we are doing the procrastination. In the moment, we think we are don't have enough time, we're too busy, we need to think about it, we need to talk it over with others, we can't afford it, we don't think it will work, we are not sure of the outcome, we have tried something like this in the past and it didn't work . . . and the list goes on and on. Find an affordable solution that you can jump into right away and then JUMP.
If you think you have seen or experienced something like this in the past, TRUST US, you have not! Engineered CLARITY is unlike anything you or anyone in your life have ever done in the past. We have all tried things which haven't worked, but it's never been Engineered CLARITY. Take action right now, without any thought and test Engineered CLARITY and you'll become a believer like so many others have.