Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)
~ Partnership With ~ 
Business Sense from 
Everyday Moms (BSM)
Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2) partnership with BSM to empower our community in helping both men and women learn business and life lessons for the development of people.  

Business ~ Life ~ Community

Special NOTE:  If you are a C-Level executive you are likely a white male over 50 years old.  There is nothing wrong with being a white male over 50 (despite the impression the media gives) . . . read the first post please.  
BSM + EC2 Partnership ~ Helping Develop People
Business SENSE for 
The biggest challenge most C-Level Executives have is not enough time and having a balanced life.  We can help! 
Family ~ Business ~ Life
As a C-Level Executive, think back on your childhood and think about how well your mom was able to LEVERAGE . . . well . . . everything.  She didn't do all the work herself.  
C-Level Executives
As we mentioned above, let's just be honest and share the obvious, most C-Level executives are white males over 50 years old.  BSM has no problem with this . . . maybe because each executive probably has a mom who helped him become who he is today.  
With that being said . . . could we share some other motherly advice with you?  You aren't that smart and you aren't that busy!  Maybe we as white mothers (often, but not always of course) made the mistake of not being as direct and hard on you as we should have been?  If this is the case, "We are sorry!"  When we say "We are sorry!" we mean it and through BSM we will seek to correct our errors we may have made in parenting you.  

Do NOT Forget Where You Came From & What I Taught You !

If you do, well . . . not to be too harsh, but I'll kick your butt!
I taught you to be caring and honest. I taught you to do what you say you will do and not make excuses. I have noticed lately that you seem at times to think that the rules that you make, only apply to others. NO SON, the only people this applies to is politicians and yes . . . sometimes moms. Oops sorry about that. Yes, when I reflex I realize that I made excuses for things and you may have picked up on a few bad habits.
I also realize that maybe I said "If mama's not happy, no one is happy." Sorry about that. That was stupidity and the most selfish, self-centered thing for me to say. I'm working on getting women and pastors to not say this any more. I think I now realize that you as a C-Level executive now think this applies to you as well. 

Well . . . it doesn't.

You Need To Pay Attention!

  • Do You Have Entitled Employees?​ Hmmm . . . maybe you have a bit of entitlement yourself?  
  • Are Your Employees Coachable?​ If not, maybe you aren't so coachable either?  
  • Do Your Employees Lack integrity?​ Hmmm, do you as a C-Level executive ever find yourself not doing what you have said you would do . . . AND . . . then rationalizing in your own mind why you have a good reason for being late to a meeting or not following through on things?
  • Do Your Employees Develop Others?​ . . . OR . . . do they just want to hire developed people?  As a mom, I had to learn to help develop children that came into this world with nothing.
  • Do Your Employees Lack Drive?​ Could it be that you are taking too much ownership for the wrong type of ownership?  
If you think you're above Business Sense From Everyday Moms . . . trust me, as your mother, you're not.  I'm just saying!  How long have you and your other C-Level executives been struggling with these things?  If you're bold, then register for something more than just the $20 a month for EC2, if you want to play it safe, it's alright, your employees probably do as well :-), just register for the $20 a month option and build it up from there as you see the benefit. ~ click here for full EC2 membership options ~ 
Business SENSE for LEADERS
Leaders within any group have owner / board members, C-Level "above them" and employees "below them."    
How do you keep everyone happy?
Pressures From Everywhere
As a Leader / Manager, think back on your childhood and think about how well your mom was able to somehow figure out how to get people together and do magical things to see everyone's perspective and somehow get people on the same page.
Do Employees, Managers or Owners Frustrate You?
What's interesting to moms who look at those in business is that, what we face as moms with kids is the same thing that every business seems to face.  Tom Kunz, past President of the largest real estate franchise in the world, shared Rings Of Influence.  ~ click here for short lesson ~   Ask your EC2 mentor for more information.
The Bottom Line ~ Everyone seems to think they are the most important person, yes . . . even moms at times.  The most important person in business is the customer.  
Extra Thought ~ We as moms . . . wonder if maybe we are messing up and making it hard for business leaders.  If we are, sorry about that.  Yes, we should baby our babies for maybe 6 to 15 months but anything beyond that probably leads to entitlement.  Hmmm . . . we want to practice what we preach in taking ownership for how we may have messed up a whole generation of people in causing them to think they are the center of the universe.  We are sorry!  We are committed to helping you fix what we messed up.  Have your employees join EC2 and BSM + EC2 in partnership will seek to help all your employees, after you of course, to heal from entitlement.  Yes, we will do this without any medication or years of counseling.  :-)
Trust me, as a mom, I know about trying to keep everyone happy!  It's not easy!  EC2 has something for you and all those around you.  A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.  "Yes, we need to strengthen ourselves but we also need to help everyone around us to do so as well."  Think about it . . . if we as leaders aren't willing to invest $20 back into our own development, then how serious are we about healing vs. helping . . . solving challenges / problems at the CORE vs. the symptom level?  ~ click here for Quick Start EC2 ~ 
Life GPS is a mobile web app.  It will show someone's personality in 17 seconds from the 65,536 possible combinations and present what their personality is in a fun one minute video(s).  Companies, organizations and individuals can register for their own channel.  With one's own channel you can invite people to join you and get group personality grids.  NOTE: This website is still in development and being worked on.   If you have questions and/or thoughts on any area of Life GPS please email
Business Sense for EMPLOYEES

Do You Feel Frustrated?

Do you ever feel that no one appreciates you, that you are taken for granted, paid less than you deserve and work to hard?
Work / Family / Life Balance
As an employee, think back on your childhood and think about how your mom was able to help you see something from a different perspective as it relates to really tough teacher, coach and/or classmate.  
It's a shame actually that everyone in business doesn't think of their moms more.  It's even worse that most employees will do things in their careers which their moms wouldn't permit at home, wouldn't be proud of.  Why is it that we as employees often treat the company we work for, our peers and yes, sometimes even clients worse than we would our own moms?  We as employees often complain about others around us, like we did about our moms . . . when we were children.  Are we a part of the solution or a part of the problem?  EC2 will help owners, C-Level executives, leaders and employees all learn to take personal ownership, just like our moms did as they managed their homes.  A chain is only as strong as it's weakest link.  Think about it . . . all the the companies who employee us, invest massive amounts of time and money into us and if we aren't willing to invest $20 back into our own development, then how serious are we about healing vs. helping . . . solving challenges / problems at the CORE vs. the symptom level?  ~ click here for Quick Start EC2 ~ 
Business Sense for MOMS

What do we want as moms?

Do you ever get frustrated that others in your life do not give you what you want and/or need as a mom?
Work / Family / Life Balance
Tom Kunz shares below the 5 Steps To Success in any / every area of one's life.  Tom is the past President of the largest real estate franchise in the world.  Tom shares in this interesting video that he taught his children these five steps as well.  
Hmmm . . . we we as moms, even know what we want?  Often we get frustrated at those around us who seem to demand more and more from us . . . but it seems like they often don't know what they want OR even if we give them what they say they want, they aren't happy?

Hmmm . . . I wonder . . . if maybe we as moms are like that at times as well?  

EC2 will help us as moms to become clear as to what we WANT and what ACTIONS need to be taken to achiev what we say we want.    ~ click here for Quick Start EC2 ~ 
Weekly Mastermind Calls
Are you looking for like minded people?  Are you looking for people who "think outside the box" or better yet, Quantum Thinkers?  You'll find them here! ~ click here for list of possible calls ~ 
Manage Up & Out
Manage Up/Out ~ Do you feel overwhelmed by everything in the EC2 world?   :-)   No worries, you'll be up to speed in no time.  To get up to speed faster, do what we call Manage Up/Out.  Any time you read a white paper, any time you watch a video or attend a mastermind call do the following:

Put the name of what you listened to, read, or participated in and the url if it applies at the top of an email. Then, answer these three questions:
   1. What did I LEARN
   2. What ACTION will I take
   3. What do I need to learn NEXT

When you email your Up/Out you will usually include your ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies and then anyone else who would gain benefit from what you are sharing.  They may benefit from learning along side of you, becoming involved in what you are doing and/or have the ability to give you encouragement or insights.