Every ActionVision plan is customized specifically for the individual, team and/or group. There are no two individuals or teams which are precisely alike, which is why each ActionVision Plan MUST be customized with the Engineered CLARITY recipe for success in helping you do things that you have never experienced before.
On average, some are more and some are less of course, but on average those who go on ActionVision will see a 35% increase in work productivity in 30 to 60 days. Imagine . . . gaining an extra 10+ hours a week of free time every week. What will you do with all the extra time?
We are very selective on who we invite into ActionVision. This is because over 95% of those who start ActionVision will follow through.
What's most amazing to individuals and companies or organizations is the accuracy of an Engineered CLARITY customized ActionVision Plan. While results will vary, often individuals and/or companies have us build plans to double their profits or income and the average result is a positive 4% variance from efforts as correlated to results.