Engineered CLARITY
ActionVision for TEAMS ~ Step 2: The PLAN
Alan ~ CLARITY on Integrity


ActionVision for Teams has 3 levels and 3 options within each level.  
Most leaders find it helpful to determine which level is the best fit and then determine which of the three options are the best fit for them based on their goal, how fast they want to succeed and their budget.  

If you are not sure which one is a best fit for you and your team please talk with your certified consultant for their recommendation.

While this is a team plan, we will ensure that all aspects of your life are included with consideration for others around you as well.
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Matt ~ CLARITY on Trust
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There are Individual and Team ActionVision Plans.  The major difference between the two is the resources and systems developed for an individual or a whole group of people.  Every Individual Plan can be connected into a Team Plan and Team Plans can act as "air traffic controllers" for many Individual ActionVision Plans.

Step 1 ~ Register & Pay For PLAN

After you register & pay for your team's plan, a certified consultant will contact you to schedule a weekly time to meet to develop your custom 12 month plan as well as to start coaching you immediately in execution.
Step 2 ~ Weekly Coaching

Coaching can start immediately and consists of weekly one on one coaching with a specialist from the area of need being focused on, group coaching / mastermind groups as well as online learning.
Step 3 ~ Mastermind Calls

We will carefully select the best mastermind group for you and your team members to participate in.  A very powerful part of ActionVision coaching is the community of many types of individuals, industries and areas of focus.
Your Team's Customized ActionVision Plan
Every ActionVision for TEAMS Plan is customized specifically for the individual, team and/or group.  There are no two individuals or teams who are precisely alike, which is why each ActionVision MUST be customized with the Engineered CLARITY recipe to success to help you and your team do things that no one has ever experienced before.  

On average, some are more and some are less of course, but on average those who go on ActionVision will see a 35% increase in work productivity in 30 to 60 days.  Imagine . . . gaining an extra 10+ hours a week of free time.  What will you do with all the extra time?   

If you take your full payroll and multiply it by 35% or even something far less than that, how much does that add up to?  Based on dimensional jumps in productivity what is the bottom line ROI your ActionVision for TEAMS has the potential to generate for you?

We are very selective on who we invite into ActionVision.  This is one reason that over 95% of those who start ActionVision will follow through.

What's most amazing to individuals and companies is the accuracy of an Engineered CLARITY customized ActionVision Plan.  While results will vary, often individuals or companies have us build plans to double their profits and/or income and the average results is a positive 4% variance from efforts as correlated to results. 

Engineered CLARITY

24 Engineered actions are crafted to make your ActionVision plan easy to follow and rock solid in helping you produce the results you desire from the efforts you invest. Monthly graphs help us to ensure that our engineering is working.
Engineered CLARITY ~ BOS - Business Operating System
Have you ever wondered why you have this deep sense, that your team is only achieving a small part of their potential?  Do you ever wonder why you and others around struggle with solving the challenges/problems you or others have?  
When we learn to think differently, 
Engineered CLARITY becomes possible.
Think Differently!
What is a BOS?  Why is a BOS so important?  What are the various ways to build a BOS?  Do we need to just give our engine / BOS a tune up or do we need to have a whole new engine / BOS engineered?  What is the best way for our new BOS to be built and what should our new engine look like?

Do you ever find that people frustrate you?  Think about every challenge, every problem you / your team has ever had.  Is there ever a problem your team has faced which has not involved people?  When our BOS is engineered to have a system to identify someone's personality in 17 seconds . . . 
magical things happen.

Do we say we care about our clients, our employees and those within our community?  We probably do, but do we have systems for helping our employees and those around us to discover and live their life visions from every interaction they have with us and others on the team on a daily basis?  A deep understanding of Natural Laws, The DNA for LIFE helps everyone on the team understand Engineered CLARITY.
ActionVision for TEAMS ~ 3 Levels with 3 Options for each level

There are nine different ActionVision for TEAMS types of plans.  Keep it simple and first select which level you believe best fits you, the TEAM, the GROUP or the C-LEVEL.  Once you have the level you believe might be the best fit for you, then select which of the three best options in that level would be the best fit for you and select that plan.

If you have questions on which level is best for you, your company or your organization please talk with your certified engineer / consultant for further direction.  Did the above four videos provide additional insights into engineering a BOS ~ Business Operating System and the three DNA's, DNA for BUSINESS, DNA for PEOPLE and the DNA for LIFE.
Check Out Details for 3 Levels
3 Options
ActionVision for TEAMS ~ PLAN
Do you have a deep sense that your team could be far more productive?

The customized ActionVision for Teams Plan is designed to create Engineered CLARITY for everyone on the team.  One master plan acts as the air traffic controller to all other activities which ripple throughout a team.
  • Master BOS Plan:  An engineered "air traffic"plan to either fine tune your current BOS or to engineer a new BOS.
  • 3 DNA's:  Your custom engineered ActionVision Plan will assist your team in getting the most from your PEOPLE, leverage all aspects of BUSINESS and interconnect that with LIFE to leverage everyone's passions, talents, gifts and vision together.  
Are you seeking an engineered plan which takes an entire group of people to the next dimension? 

Groups often tend to include many teams all working together toward a much greater and larger vision.  Engineered CLARITY, through ActionVision, orchestrates many people, teams, projects and opportunities to LEVERAGE the benefit to all.  
  • Master BOS Plan:  What is the true potential of people for what we could really be doing together?  The GROUP ActionVision Plan will build buy-in from individuals and teams for the mutual benefit of everyone.  
  • 3 DNA's:  As we have more people, projects and resources involved in our BOS along with The 5/30 Grid we are able to SEE where we need to go before our competition or the marketplace does. 
  • Leaders Of Leaders:  How do we help every single leader and then our team members to discover their own life vision, through their passions and then connect all those passions and vision together into a masterpiece?  The ActionVision for GROUPS will do this.  
As a C-Level group, are you seeking to LEVERAGE . . . everything to greater success and profitability to move to a far higher dimension of success?

Engineered CLARITY, through ActionVision assists the C-Level team to first and foremost see their own gaps and potential weaknesses which unknowingly gets accelerated and passed through to each team member.  This creates structural weaknesses which are often not revealed, often too late, through changes in the marketplace, which often requires a whole new C-Level team to correct.  We will assist in catching it sooner rather than later.

  • C-Level:  How do we as a C-Level team learn to Think Differently and then bake that directly into the very DNA for our culture within our new BOS?
  • Master BOS Plan:  Engineer CLARITY is a positive disruptor which breeds a culture of asking questions which helps us all to learn to think in a very different way. 
  • 3 DNA's:  Engineered CLARITY through ActionVision for C-LEVEL will capture best mind paths (pathology in how we think) from the C-Level team, leaders and each team member and engineer those pathologies into each team member through engineered creativity.
TEAM ~ Basic
$10,400 ~ 12 Month Plan
Are you in need of coaching / mentoring but budgets are really tight?  The Basic Team ActionVision Plan may be perfect for you.  We will engineer a custom BOS plan to assist you, as a team to better achieve the team's full potential.

Ski ~ CLARITY on Partnerships
GROUP ~ Basic
$22,600 ~ 12 Month Plan
Are you seeking a better understanding of what the potential of a group of people really is?  In the Basic Group ActionVision, we will help each leader to gain CLARITY and then assist them to learn how to bring that same clarity to everyone they are working with.

Ken ~ CLARITY on Action
C-LEVEL ~ Basic
$37,500 ~ 12 Month Plan
Through C-Level Basic ActionVision we will engineer a plan and then supporting systems to empower the overall vision to take root and be driven throughout the entire organization.  We will engineer the 3 DNA's, Leadership and Profitable Partners to work to ensure that every talent, gift, energy and effort from every team member and others we are connected with, all achieve the desire results.  
Brian ~ CLARITY on Drive
$17,750 ~ 12 Month Plan
With the Intermediate Team ActionVision Plan we assist each one of the five areas within The 5/30 Grid to all come together for the mutual benefit of achieving the overall vision. We incorporate and integrate Leadership, Profitable Partnerships, recruiting and on-boarding for employees and clients into your overall BOS plan. 

Jeff ~ CLARITY on Leverage
$43,800 ~ 12 Month Plan
As a group, do you sense that most everyone is on board, and will to work together, but there seems to be something missing?  Group Intermediate ActionVision has amazing tools and systems which will empower the entire group to do this without it taking more time or hiring additional employees.  We will assist groups, teams and individuals to come together in new and innovative ways to help each member to be far more productive through dimensional jumps in thinking differently. 

Marc ~ CLARITY on Vision
$64,000 ~ 12 Month Plan
Through Engineered CLARITY, and C-LEVEL ActionVision we will empower individuals to become positive disruptors of current ways of thinking in an engineered manner.  This will empower current team members to take personal ownership for their own areas and help to provide wisdom and understanding as to how to gain all the benefits from the disruption while reducing many of the costs and risks associated with disruptions.  Dimensional thinking is the result and when this happens through the entire organization our very DNA will be altered.
Alan ~ CLARITY on Integrity
$46,800 ~ 12 Month Plan
Does your team have a story to tell?  Does your team have unique insights, systems or IP ~ Intellectual Property which really should be shared nationwide or worldwide?  With the Advanced Team ActionVision Plan we will help you take everything that is unique about your team and LEVERAGE that through Engineered CLARITY to make dimensional jumps.  

Steve ~ CLARITY on Clarity
$119,500 ~ 12 Month Plan
Do you remember a time in your business where everyone seemed to be motivated, inspired and all working together for a common vision?  ActionVision for Advanced GROUP will through Engineered CLARITY assist each team member to gain the insights needed to internalize how it is in their own best interest to buy in and pour in all their passions for the mutual benefit of the group as a whole.  When group members gain insight, it inspires them to greatness.

Jennifer ~ CLARITY on Learning
$174,300 ~ 12 Month Plan
Are you seeking to be awakened?  Are you seeking for your entire C-Level team to make dimensional jumps in how they think?  Do you have goals that seem totally unrealistic to most peopleAdvanced C-LEVEL ActionVision is the premiere company or organizational plan which captures mind maps and/or pathologies (best ways of thinking) and embeds them into the 3 DNA's.  Engineered CLARITY guides us through the maze of a lot of theories, people's thoughts, experts concepts and thoughts we ourselves have from past experiences which may or may not be accurate to gain CLARITY quickly.
Matt ~ CLARITY on Trust
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