Engineered CLARITY ~ Life Vision
What is our full potential?  To achieve our full potential we must have some idea what our full potential is.  Once we discover what our unique Life Vision is, we gain CLARITY in every area of life.  
Engineered CLARITY to discovery of our Life Vision.
Watch this short video to start the journey to discovery of your Life Vision and live it daily.
 Step 1: 3 Minute Simple Exercise
 Step 2: Draw A Circle . . . 
It really is this simple.  Draw a circle, around the circle list everything you are passionate about and then TALK to your ARRT Mentor, and / or your ActionVISION coach to help create the first draft of your Life Vision.
 Step 3: Connect With Others
It's really true that we can accomplish far more together than we ever could on our own.  Join talk with your EC2 ARRT Mentor.   Share your Passion Circle / Life Vision with everyone in your ARRT Tree and work hard to come together for the benefit of everyone.
Engineered CLARITY = Discovery of our Life Vision.  It's pretty simple.  Draw a circle on a piece of paper.  Around the circle list everything you are passionate about.  In the center of all of our passions is our Life Vision.  

Engineered CLARITY

There are 3 DNA's within every BOS, DNA for PEOPLE, DNA for BUSINESS and DNA for LIFE.  The DNA for LIFE is Natural Laws

CLARITY makes things EASY

The mobile app can reveal someone's personality in 17 seconds which help us to understand why we are passionate about those things we are.  This provides us with great insights as to why we do what we do and how to assist us achieve success in every area of our life.
For a more detailed white paper on discovering and living our life vision ~ click here.  To go through a process for thinking differently ~ click here ~ and for a white paper library of over 80 white papers ~ click here.  
Need Additional Information?
Reach out to your ARRT Mentor, the individual who invited you this page and/or call 888.230.2300 or 630.393.9909.  
The Power Of CLARITY
The discovery of our Life Vision empowers or even awakens us to INTERNALIZATION through Engineered CLARITY.

When we learn to internalize things instantly we heal from hurt, press through fear, gain amazing strength, care more for others become more conscious of ourselves and those around us and reach beyond our dreams and goals in every area of life.

If you have not completed a GIFT 30 minute Strategy Session complete "The Action Card" which is a few on-line short questions.  A volunteer who is certified in Engineered CLARITY will call to schedule a conversation to assist you understand how you can see better success in every area of your life.
The Power Of Internalization
The discovery of our Life Vision empowers or even awakens us to INTERNALIZATION.  

When we learn to internalize things instantly we heal from hurt, press through fear, gain amazing strength, care more for others become more conscious of ourselves and those around us and reach beyond our dreams and goals in every area of life.

If you have not completed a GIFT 30 minute Strategy Session complete a few short questions on-line and a volunteer who is certified in Engineered CLARITY will call to schedule a conversation to assist you understand how you can see better success in every area of your life.
Life Vision For Family / Teams
When we learn to discover our Life Vision's together as a family, team or group of people, it's not only fun and easy but it will connect all our passions and visions together.  

Don't make this harder than it is.  It really is as simple, fast and easy as the family in the video to the left makes it look. 
Examples From Others

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