Questions & Answers
What questions, thoughts and/or insights do you have?  The entire community is here to assist you in solving your challenges or problems and assisting you in discovering and living your life vision each and every day.
Community Members Share ...

"How do I get started?"

Emily shares . . . "Don't overthink this.  Take 10 minutes a day and start off with the 3 Steps To Starting. ~ click here.  I tried to learn one nugget a week.  I text or email my EC2 ARRT mentor once a week to stay connected.  Initially I over complicated things.  Once you get into it, it's really easy!"  
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Pep[e often say ... "I don't have enough time!"

Novie shares that she has experienced so many people who ... "Think they are too busy." or "Thinking they have everything figured out." or they don't have enough time or money to do something differently.  Then they wonder why they aren't 2x'ing their income and reducing the hours they work like they can sense / they know they could be. 
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"I'm lost?"

Beverly shares . . . "I felt a lost initially, but then I remembered taking a class in college where I was given a blank sheet of paper for the syllabus and was told that I was the one responsible for learning what I wanted to learn from this class.   After that it was easy!  Write out, and be clear as to what you really want and then start talking and connecting with others in the network.  Be a great student and always willing to learn."

"I don't have enough time to do this?"

Peter shares . . . "It's strange actually.  Once you get into EC2, it takes very little time to participate. For every 10 minutes you invest, if you're a great student, you will create an extra 30 minutes of free time.  I didn't believe that at first but I see it clearly now."
Secret About Time ~ click here

"What is "The Solution Library?"

Jill shares . . . "I love how EC2 is helping me with People ~ Business and Life.  The Solutions Library ~ click here ~ has been a gateway into a 'world of solutions' for every area of my life.  I have book marked that url and put an icon on my computer - it's been that helpful to me."  
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"It doesn't make sense to me?"

Jason shares . . . "I don't want to be harsh on fellow millennials, but I find my generation often has no patience for learning or working our minds.  It's like we have been told our whole lives we're really smart and successful . . . even when we're not.  We often don't read things and expect others to spoon feed us.  I love what Beverly shared about EC2 . . . 'It's a blank sheet of paper and up to each one of us to get what we want / need from EC2.'"  

"I don't like my EC2 ARRT Mentor.  What is the best approach to this?"

Ted shares . . . "No problem, it's easy to switch . . . but do you want to?  :-)  We learn in EC2 that 'Our greatest strength is our greatest weakness and our greatest weakness is our greatest strength misapplied.'  You probably have different personalities / frequencies and that person may be the best one to help you to think a bit differently about your situation . . . but totally up to you."
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"It seems to me that I know what is being shared?  Not getting a lot from mastermind calls?"

Tom shares, "Hmmm . . . that's interesting.   I don't want to seem harsh, but as past President of the largest real estate franchise in the world . . . you aren't a very good student.  What I mean by that is that you may be familiar on a surface level with some of the things or even most of the things, but I guarantee you when you look deep at what's really going on or what you learn, it will blow your mind.  I know it has mine!"  
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