Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)
Clarity About
Quantum Thinking
Solving Problems . . . At The Quantum Level . . . Is COOL!
Clarity About
Quantum Thinking

Albert Einstein

"You can never solve a problem on the level on which it was created."

Quantum Thinking Defined

"Creating AWAKENING moments by learning to think differently about OWNERSHIP, WORK and CARE, to first transform our own lives and then those around us and then the world."

4 Parts To Quantum Thinking

CLARITY = Quantum Thinking

Deep Learning

Internalization =

Deep Learning = DOING = Success!


Learning to SEE things that others do not see which give us the ability to DO things that most people think is impossible.   

If when someone shares something, we think or say . . . "I understand that." . . . we will never have an AWAKENING moment.

It is through humility, taking massive ownership, working harder than most people ever work and caring in ways we never dreamed of which create moments of AWAKENING!  


Taking "ownership" is learned and is really a muscle ... it takes discipline.  

When we do not take ownership, we willingly, often without knowing it, give up the control of the outcome / the results to something or someone else.  When we apply Quantum Thinking we make dimensional jumps in taking ownership ... which changes everything.  


Learning to see "Work" in a very different light. 

Most people think of work ... well ... as work.  What if ... we learned, through Quantum Thinking, to view work in a very different way?

What if ... work become something we enjoyed and had so much fun and experienced so much enjoyment ... that the more we worked the more happiness or joy we experienced?


Learning to understand "Being Caring" in a very different way.

It's not caring in a way that feels good, that is the deepest form of caring ... but often in a way which may feel really bad.   

Other Quantum Models

Learning to think in the Quantum world, is both energizing and exhausting.

In the Quantum Thinking world ... it's most interesting as it would seem that everything is "true" and "false" at the same time.  Strange right?  

In the Quantum Thinking world we don't say we disagree with someone ... but ask "What do you mean?"  To disagree with someone we must understand what they mean ... all aspects of what they are saying ... which may be a bit arrogant or stupid when we think about it.  

5 Steps To Success

What do you WANT in life?  

When you say "I want __________" do you think you really WANT it or do you just want it?  

What's the difference?   OBSESSION!  

Go to 2:56 in the YouTube video and see what you see and internalize this for you and your life.  

"When I was 10 years old, pop said to me, "Son, it's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world 'cause that man will never work a day in his life." But there are a few, a precious few -- and hell, I don't know if they're lucky or not -- but there are a few people who find something they have to do. Something obsesses them. Something that if they can't do it, it's going to drive them clean out of their mind."

5 Steps To Success

What do you believe your frequency is?  

The Power Of Quantum Thinking

When we blend the "5 Steps To Success" from Tom Kunz and the Quantum Thinking model, we can insights and power which can 10x's everything.  If we want to EARN more, WORK less, have less STRESS and greater LIFE balance we bring Quantum Thinking to the BOS ~ Business Operating System.   The BOS is the engine which governs our business, income and life.  We earn the money we earn, work the hours we work, have the stress and life balance we do or do not have as a result of our BOS.  
When we work with a Legacy Partner, we work with someone who is certified in Quantum Thinking and ActionVISION business and life coaching.  To learn more about how a certified consultant can engineer your very own custom BOS, click here for additional information.
Why Every Employee Should Join EC2
EC2 ~ Engineered CLARITY Community will help you think differently not only about interviewing but abut success in your career.  This one simple lesson could be worth tens of thousands of dollars but getting a job and keeping it are very different.  Keeping a job and being massively successful requires us to think in a very different way than most employees think.
EC2 is only $20 a month to subscribe to become a member.  You are asking an employer to pay tens of thousands of dollars to invest into you . . . are you willing to invest $20 a month back into yourself?  Most employees, believe it or not, will not do this.  For employees who do, it gives them an edge, an advantage as it will help you to learn to think like a top level leader, C-Level Executive, and/or even the business owners.  There is no degree in the world which will teach you to learn to think like this.  

We Are Here To Help You Succeed

Normally EC2 only provides "The back story," the Q&A to lessons only for members who subscribe, but we wanted to share the Q&A for the topic with you. 
The Truth About Time
Do you ever feel stress, anxiety, fearful, overwhelmed, and/or that you don't have enough time?  

Do you ever find yourself saying . . .
"I didn't do _____________________ . . . because I didn't have enough time?"

The Truth About Time is that we all have 10,080 minutes every week and 1,440 minutes every day.  If we find we don't have enough time, it's because we have never learned The Secret About Time.  When you join EC2, there are white papers, videos, groups, and even mentors who will help you learn how to think differently about time and gain an abundance of free time.
Time Wasters
We waste so much time in this area ... and never even think about it.  

What is it?   

It's the words we speak.
When we learn to be intentional as to WHAT and WHY we are saying something and actually give consideration to if what we are saying has value or if there was something better we could share ... we will see our lives change.
If you say ... "That seems like a lot of work." or "That doesn't sound fun" ... well ... not to be harsh but if we think this, we may both be lazy and selfish.
People who are lazy and selfish tend to have challenges in having deep relationships and often are not very happy and feel they are not fulfilled.   The reason we have feelings like this ... is ... well ... because it's often true.  Taking medication may help to change the feelings ... but doesn't do anything to change the truth.  We can feel good, in the short term ... but we are still lazy and selfish.
"10 Reasons Why Someone Talks"
We as human beings often seem to not think about the words we use to speak or why we are saying what we are saying.  We waste words and often talk about things that have very little value.   
  • 1. Clueless ~ Don’t actually know why they are talking. They just talk.
  • 2. Ego ~ To impress others. To make themselves feel or look good.
  • 3. Seduce ~ People want to seduce you into thinking the way they think.
  • 4. Educate ~ People don’t think you know what they know so they feel a need to explain.
  • 5. Connect ~ People feel more connected by talking so they talk more to be more connected.
  • 6. Move ~ People want you to move from one place / way of thinking to where they are.
  • 7. Insecure ~ They talk to gain confidence or at least perceived confidence.
  • 8. Thinking ~ People feel they need to talk to think. Not the most effective way to think.
  • 9. Destruction ~ The 9 D’s to the path destruction. They are headed there and will lead you.
  • 10. Intention ~ To accomplish something very specific with everything they say.
Powerful Questions
Actually it seems like many if not most people are fearful of powerful questions.  Here are some basic guidelines on why this happens.  
Question ~ How do you know which one of the 5 reasons / many sub-reasons is at the core?
Thoughts ~ Right?  It's not easy to know and it could be a number of the reasons which makes it even more complex.
Hmmm maybe ... ~ If they won't even talk about it / reply to an email ... good chance that they have become a Zombie, Robot or Vampire?   Actually we are a lot more serious than you may think.
Are people fearful of powerful questions?
"Why People Do NOT Answer Questions Which Are Asked."
Have you ever asked a question only to have someone give you an answer to a question you didn't ask and/or black out entire and end the conversation?  Why did this happen?
  • 1. Brain Not Thinking ~ When we ask a question and people don't respond it may be because their brains have never thought of that question in the past.  
  • 2. Fear ~ People sense when a question is going deep and their answer will reveal a lot about them so they apply the 9 D's ~ click here ~ in the hopes that you will not follow up with your question.
  • 3. Not Humble ~ People think they are smarter than you are and they think they have a better question to answer so they give you the answer to a question you never asked.  
  • 4. Not Curious ~ People often aren't even listening and if they are, they aren't curious as to why you asked the question.   
  • 5. Lack Of Ownership ~ People can sense when a question will reveal their responsibility in something that they don't want to have the truth revealed.
One approach ... "Thank you for sharing the answer you did.  Now ... back to my original question ..."  

Keep saying the above until they answer your original question.  
~ Click Here ~
for the potential cure
Note:  Most normal people, i.e. Zombies, Robots and Vampires will not click on the above link as they like to be "normal", they like to be around others so much that they are willing to give up what they were created to be ... and ... well ... that's very sad.  
Powerful Questions
Actually it seems like many if not most people are fearful of powerful questions.  Here are some basic guidelines on why this happens.  
Hmmm maybe ... ~ If they won't even talk about it / reply to an email ... good chance that they have become a Zombie, Robot or Vampire?   Actually we are a lot more serious than you may think.
~ Click Here ~
for the potential cure
Note:  Most normal people, i.e. Zombies, Robots and Vampires will not click on the above link as they like to be "normal", they like to be around others so much that they are willing to give up what they were created to be ... and ... well ... that's very sad.  
Right ... the WHY is a LOT more complex and HOW do we fix it requires a radical shift in how we think.  You know ... we need to think at the Quantum level and as normal people ... Zombie's ~ Robots and Vampires we will never do this?  
  • 1. Brain Not Thinking ~ When we ask a question and people don't respond it may be because their brains have never thought of that question in the past.  

WHY haven't they thought about it?

  • a. Just haven't ~ They aren't around people like you who tend to think about things in a very different why than "normal" people do.
  • b. Lazy ~ Why? People, especially people older than 4 years old, tend to be very lazy in how they think.  They think they are smart and important but really are very little people in very tiny worlds and they are fine with that. 
  • c. Sloppy ~ Why?  Maybe people have sloppy or reckless minds?  Maybe they are sloppy / reckless due to having their ambilocal cord wrapped around their neck in the womb, maybe they were dropped on their heads as a child or maybe there was some type of abuse or trauma that they have never fully healed from?   
  • d. Undisciplined ~ Why?  Maybe they have never discovered their life vision?  Maybe they have no idea of their true value?  
  • e. Pathetic / Stupid ~ If we have watch Bonhoeffer‘s Theory of Stupidity short video we understand that "Stupidity is a moral issue" and we can approach these types of individuals in a totally different way.  ~ click here ~ 
  • 2. Fear ~ People sense when a question is going deep and their answer will reveal a lot about them so they apply the 9 D's ~ click here ~ in the hopes that you will not follow up with your question.
  • 3. Not Humble ~ People think they are smarter than you are and they think they have a better question to answer so they give you the answer to a question you never asked.  
  • 4. Not Curious ~ People often aren't even listening and if they are, they aren't curious as to why you asked the question.   
  • 5. Lack Of Ownership ~ People can sense when a question will reveal their responsibility in something that they don't want to have the truth revealed.
One approach ... "Thank you for sharing the answer you did.  Now ... back to my original question ..."  

Keep saying the above until they answer your original question.  

Learn To Think Differently

Watch the video and then think about what was shared AND how you can best apply it to all aspects of your life. 

Different personality types ... activate the six different personality types in different ways.  What causes pain for one personality type, creates pleasure for a different personality type. 
Our Feelings ~ neurotransmitters ~ anger, agitation, frustration, happiness, sadness, pleasure . . . reward
Feelings ~ sleep
Natural pain reliever
Anti anxiety ~ Prevents us from going into a panic attack
Adrenaline ~ Fight, Flight, or Freeze in Fear
PIP ~ Phosphoinositide
Care, love, compassion
D's & P's
Have you ever been around an "Energy Vampire?"
Energy vampires suck the very life out of you with the 9 D's to Defeat.  They are not happy with failing themselves but it seems that they are often committed to helping as many other people fail as they can.
What's interesting is that often those who apply the 9 "D's" can be the nicest people in the world.  Talk with your ActionVISION coach and/or ARRT Mentor to see how this applies specifically to you and your personality.  You may be surprised how much you'll learn and how that will help you solve challenges / problems you face.
"Why Don't People Succeed?"
What's sad is that ... it seems ... failure is as much of a choice as success is.  What's challenging, it seems is that often people who seem to have one failure after another often don't even see as they are headed down that path and when it's clear they have failed they think it's due to someone else. 

Does It Bother You ... 

Does it bother you when people answer questions you never asked and or don't answer the questions you do ask?

Why do people do this?

1. Poor Listening
What's interesting is that people often don't even hear the question you ask.  TIP:  Stop them and ask them if they heard the question you asked.
2. Fear
People often fear that if they answer your question, it will reveal something about themselves that they do not want you /others to know.  TIP:  Say ... "Hmmm, that's interesting ..." and then ask the same question again.  
3. Arrogance 
Often people think that they know more than you do and give you an answer to a question they think is a better question than you asked.   TIP: Maybe say ... "Wow that's a great answer to a different question than I asked ... so ... what ... (ask the question again)."
5. Low EQ
Low EQ (emotional quotient) is Emotional Intelligence where people give you a low level answer to a question you never asked.   TIP: Maybe just smile and say "Thanks."   
6. Sphere Of Influence
Often people who explain themselves, give a lot of details when we are asking a "Yes" or "No" question.  This indicates they are often surrounded by people who need explanation / lower level answers and they are just used to that.  
Maybe Try ... 
Try to have a bit of fun with people and ... ask them  the question that they already gave the answer to.  :-)  What's the strange ... is that they often won't answer the question they already answered.
Maybe try ... "Did you realize you didn't answer the question that I asked?"

"Any idea why?"
Remember ... and give some room as most people asking questions ... also have no real intention behind the question so people aren't used to someone actually caring if they answered a question.

For Men ... 

Do you ever freeze with fear when your wife / a woman shares a problem with you?

What response do you give?

It's Tricky ... Right?

If you try to fix it ... that often doesn't work so well.
1. Just Listen ... Don't Fix
This is really hard for most guys to do as it's wired in men to fix something that's broken.  Often a woman does not want that.  
2. Believe in her to fix it
Often women want you to believe it them enough and say ... "Honey, you are amazing and I know you can fix it in the most amazing way." 
3. Fix it for her
Yes, there are times she actually does want you to slide in and fix it to help her.  
4. Fix it together
Say ... "Hmmm ... honey, that's a tough one, let's work on fixing it together!"
5. Hmmm, seems unfixable? 
Now this is the one that can kill a lot of guys.   It makes NO sense to men to not be able to fix something and/or worry about something that you can make sense.  
Easy ... Right?  
Not so fast.   Women will tend to want different things at different times and you only have a 20% chance of getting it right?   Just saying.
You can say ... "Hmmm ... honey ... you remember those 5 reasons about what women may want you to do about problems?   Hmmm ... any tips on which one you may want?" 
Now ... just to be clear, she will not like you when you say this and/or be happy with you.  Why?   It's because it reveals that she's not sure what she wants either ... so ... well ... hopefully you both can laugh about it when you roll the dice to see which one works or doesn't work this time. 
So ... what did you think about this video?   

Be honest ... what did you think?

Men, if the women in your life, laughed at the video then you've got a keeper ... keep her happy!!! 

Oh ... just to be clear ... if she's laughing it may not be for the reason you think she's laughing.  She may not be laughing at it because she's thinking she's the one with the nail in the head.  She may be laughing because she thinks you are the woman in the video.

Flawless Thinking ... 

Is NOT perfect thinking ... it's less flawed thinking.  It's learning to be humble, remove ego and be childlike in asking curious questions.
What Question Do You Have ... 
What question do you have ... which seem to stump you ... that feel like you're stuck ... something that you just can't figure out the answer to?
Curiosity ...
Do you think that ... young children learn so much, so fast ... due to their curiosity?  
"Since I have learned to discipline my mind to curiosity ... my entire life / world has changed." 
Paul Wyner
The Best Questions ... 
"We can never solve a problem without asking the best curious question." 
Rosanna Boersma
When we apply the most curious "Flawless Thinking" model to our problems ... we solve our own problems as a result of learning to think differently.  

       + Questions 
       = Solutions

Being "curious" and asking "questions" seems simple ... but it's not ... is it?
It seems that most of us, most of the time, don't even know we need a solution or that there is a problem, or that we are a part of the problem?

Am I A Part Of The Problem And Don't Even Know It?

What Am I Missing?

Actually ... probably a lot to be honest?
  • Critical Thinking ~ Do we have it?
  • Ego ~ Is it getting in the way ... and we don't even know it?
  • SEE ~ Why don't we SEE the truth?
  • THINK ~ Where are we off in our thinking?
  • DO ~ Curiosity + Questions = Do ... (?'s come from doing)
Life GPS is a mobile web app.  It will show someone's personality in 17 seconds from the 65,536 possible combinations and present what their personality is in fun one minute video(s).  Companies, organizations, and individuals can register for their own channel.  With one's own channel you can invite people to join you and get group personality grids.  NOTE: This website is still in development and being worked on.   If you have questions and/or thoughts on any area of Life GPS please email
Weekly Mastermind Calls
Are you looking for like-minded people?  Are you looking for people who "think outside the box" or better yet, Quantum Thinkers?  You'll find them here! ~ click here ~ for list of possible calls.
Manage Up & Out
Manage Up/Out ~ Do you feel overwhelmed by everything in the EC2 world?   :-)   No worries, you'll be up to speed in no time.  To get up to speed faster, do what we call Manage Up/Out.  Any time you read a white paper, any time you watch a video, or attend a mastermind call, do the following:

Put the name of what you listened to, read, or participated in and the url if it applies at the top of an email. Then, answer these three questions:
   1. What did I LEARN
   2. What ACTION will I take
   3. What do I need to learn NEXT

When you email your Up/Out you will usually include your ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies and then anyone else who would gain benefit from what you are sharing.  They may benefit from learning along side of you, becoming involved in what you are doing and/or have the ability to give you encouragement or insights. Â