Flawless Thinking Mastermind Group

"Curious Questions To Discover Solutions" ~ Paul Wyner

"People know the answers / solutions to their problems ... they just aren't asking the best questions." ~ Rosanna Boersma

 What are you MISSING in your thinking?

A free weekly mastermind group to discuss current problems / challenges of group members, and different ways to think about those problems or challenges and coming up with the most flawless way of thinking!

What are your expectations that aren't being met?

Tyler Ludlow, discusses what happens when are expectations aren't met!

Join us every Monday @ 7:00 pm est!

Will being curious ... help us to ask better questions?

Will those new questions ... help us to solve problems we've faced most of our lives?

Do you face the same challenges?

How do you process WHY that happens?

What do you DO or Think About it?

About This Group

This mastermind group was inspired by ... the pursuit of "The Most Curious Question" you have ... but may be fearful of asking.  

The format will be going around the virtual room ... and giving everyone to ask "The Most Curious Question" they have.  This isn't meant to be theoretical chatter, but applicable insight gathered from the Flawless Thinking Model. Feel free to bring a friend, and your thinking cap. 

Register to receive the zoom meeting link!

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for Flawless Thinking Mastermind Group!


What Is Flawless Thinking?

Flawless Thinking is not "perfect thinking" it's being humble and desiring to be less flawed in our thinking.  

The Model


Curious + Questions

Don't be overwhelmed.  In brain science we learn that anything new the brain will often resist ... unless ... we think like a child.  :-)  

Think of this type of overwhelming ... as being a good overwhelm.  In this mastermind group we will break it down into 5 segments and learn together how to apply Flawless Thinking to everything ... and do so without even thinking ... as a reflex.

What Do I WANT?

Step 1

Step 1: Identify a clear problem and/or something you want to gain clarity on.

Talk with your ActionVISION coach to help you through this process.  

Step 2

Step 2: Why do you believe you haven't been able to solve this problem?

Humility ~ Do you clearly SEE that to solve this problem the solution rests with you personally?

Curiosity ~ Do you realize that if you THINK DIFFERENTLY, that your problem could be solved?

Humility produces Curiosity which produces Questions ... and the best questions will help us to SEE & THINK DIFFERENTLY which will then help us to DO something in a very different way than we have done in the past.  Henry Ford said ... "If you think you can do a thing or think you can not do a thing ... either way you are right?"

The Model ... Broken Down

5 Segments

With 27 major elements and tens of thousands of sub-elements all working together to help us become Flawless Thinkers (Less Flawed), breaking this down into segments will help us to better understand how to gain the most benefit from this most amazing model.

In a way ... the model is so complex even the creator of the model says he does not fully understand and grasp all of it's power.  Flawless Thinking is a life-long journey ... not a destination.  

Step 3

Step 3: Work with your ActionVISION coach to determine which of the 5 segments you should start with.

   * You must always have Humility = Curiosity = Questions in everything that you do with the Flawless Thinking Model!
   * The more you know about the model, the more you do not know.
   * Often ... for those who believe they are highly educated or successful in their own right, this will lead to frustration.   
      ~ Ask your ActionVISION coach for the three elements to frustration to assist you in making a break-through rather than getting stuck.   

This model is not quick and/or easy.  It will take hard work.  If you have easy challenges / problems then you don't need to use the model to fix it.  If you aren't able to fix something quickly and easily, the the model will help you, through OWNERSHIP, WORK and CARE. you will be AWAKENED which will lead to a dimensional jump ... i.e. solving a hard challenge / problem.

Trust us ... if you think the model is hard to understand, follow or gain benefit from ... imagine ... not having the model and having to develop the model from thin air.   :-)  Be THANKFUL another aspect of the model that is "small" but actually very BIG.  :-) 

The Model ... Broken Down

Segment 1: Mind & Time

If you had more time, would that help you to solve your problem ... help you get what you think you WANT? 

To gain more time, we need to learn to think differently about time.  

To solve any problem, gain something we WANT that we don't have we need to SEE, to be HUMBLE and realize that everything we know and are doing has not solved our problem as of yet.  

Step 4

Step 4: If your ActionVISION coach shares that it may be best to start in segment one read the following and determine how you can apply what you have learned to your challenge / problem.

  • HUMBLE ~ Most people think they are humble, when in fact most people are not nearly as humble as they think they are.  If we are humble  then we are willing to be open and patient in realizing that whatever we know, have done, or experienced hasn't produced what we think we WANT.
  • Thankful ~ Thankfulness does some amazing things to our mind.  In brain science we are starting to learn how most all of life is not what happens to us, but how we think about it.  When we are thankful for everything ... even the bad things, we SEE ~ THINK and DO differently.  
  • Curiosity ~ When we are curious we ask questions, we learn and we quickly see what is not working and try something else.    
  • Past ~ Do we know how much of the problems we are facing today are due to things we don't even know about our past?  Often our past impacts us in ways which are hurting us now.  Learning how to Think Differently about our past will help us to get what we WANT today.
  • Present ~ Through our personality (Segment 3) we will learn that what we think we see the world as, is really only one of 65,536 possible ways of looking at the world.  When we learn to SEE the world from different perspectives we will SEE & Solve our problems faster.  
  • Future ~ Do we feel we have an amazing future in store for us?   Do we truly understand how much of how we SEE the future helps us to solve the problems we are facing today?
  • Feeling ~ So do our thoughts produce our feelings or do our feelings produce thoughts?  What if our feelings are not in alignment with what is best for us and what if our feelings produce thoughts which prevent us from solving our feelings?  
  • Truth ~ Is truth relative?   If my truth is that I can jump from a 100 story building and still live, does that make it true.  It's the funniest thing or maybe a very sad truth, when people think what they SAY is true ... because they said it.  As we become more aware of ourselves and how many times we think this ... and start to realize how others seem to be always doing this, we start to see that ... maybe there really is truth and maybe it's true when they say ... "The truth will set you free."   Is it true that we can't solve our current problems while enslaved and we can not gain freedom until we discover the truth and we can not discover the truth until we are HUMBLE ... which produces Curiosity ... which produces Questions. 

The Model ... Broken Down

Segment 2: DNA for PEOPLE

If you had more time, would that help you to solve your problem ... help you get what you think you WANT? 

To gain more time, we need to learn to think differently about time.  

To solve any problem, gain something we WANT that we don't have, we need to SEE, to be HUMBLE and realize that everything we know and are doing has not solved our problem as of yet.  

Step 5

Step 5: If your ActionVISION coach shares that it may be best to start in segment one read the following and determine how you can apply what you have learned to your challenge / problem.

  • ? ~ The question mark is the top center of the entire model as in many ways it's the most important.  We need to be curious and ask questions in order to solve any challenge / problem. 
  • THINK ~ Do you think?   Most people may think that's a stupid question, when in fact, most people don't think very well.  Learning to think differently is the key to solving problems.  When we learn to think as the four different personality types, we are able to SEE and DO things we never thought possible.  
  • SEE ~ Did you know that people who are blind can see things that people who have sight are not able to see?   Yep!   Their hearing senses are so strong that they are able to "see" things in the room about people and situations that those who are are able to see, can not see.   When we learn to SEE things from the different personality types, we learn to approach any challenge / problem in a very different way.  
  • DO ~ Have you ever heard ... "If we always do what we have always done, we will always get what we have always gotten."   If we are not DOING things differently than we have done in the past, the reason is that we aren't SEEING or THINKING differently and we'll get stuck and often not even know it. 

The Model ... Broken Down

Segment 3: Quantum Thinking

To Be Developed ... 

Step 5

Step 5: If your ActionVISION coach shares that it may be best to start in segment one read the following and determine how you can apply what you have learned to your challenge / problem.

  •  ~ Do Be Developed
  • To Be Developed ~ 

The Model ... Broken Down

Segment 4: 5 Steps To Success

To Be Developed ... 

Step 6

Step 6: If your ActionVISION coach shares that it may be best to start in segment one read the following and determine how you can apply what you have learned to your challenge / problem.

  •  ~ Do Be Developed
  • To Be Developed ~ 

The Model ... Broken Down

Segment 5: Internalization

To Be Developed ... 

Step 7

Step 7: If your ActionVISION coach share that it may be best to start in segment one read the following and determine how you can apply what you have learned to your challenge / problem.

  •  ~ Do Be Developed
  • To Be Developed ~ 

The Model ... Broken Down

27 Elements

5 major segments house 27 elements and within these 27 elements there are tens of thousands of sub-elements.  

The more we know about Flawless Thinking the more we know ... we don't know.  

Those who are engaged in The Flawless Thinking mastermind group are committed to be Curious & Questions to help solve our own challenges / problems first and then see to help others to experience the power of humility.

As we experience true humility ... not a false humility ... our minds become like children's again and we are curious which creates so many questions.  

Time - choose carefully how and with whom you spend your time.

  • 1. The only thing yuou own in this world is your own clock.
  • 2. Spend time with people who you are helping, or who are helping you.
  • 3. Give the unknown the benefit of any doubt.
  • 4. Be critical of the value of a client - today - tomorrow- never
  • 5. Always be kind
  • 6. Fire the bad customer
  • 7. Set expectations
  • 8. Manage Expectations
  • 9. Process leads to outcome, believe in the process
  • 10. Time Block

Damian Gerard  ~  damian.gerard@engelvoelkers.com

This Is A Starfish & The Spider Mastermind

What's the difference between a starfish and a spider?

When you cut a spider in half ... what do you get?  A dead spider.  
When you cut a starfish in half ... what do you get?  Two starfish.

Wait a minute!  Are you serious?  How does that happen?   Right?!?!  That is so cool!

A Leaderless Group

This Is A Leaderless Mastermind Group

We come together, each week, to learn how to ask better questions ... to be curious about things ... and then seek to apply The Flawless Thinking model to learn in ways we have never learned before ... to solve problems which have been vexing us for decades at times ... to heal ... at a heart level ... to live to our fullest ... to ask CURIOUS QUESTIONS ... which will first change our lives and then the lives of those around us ... and then change the world.

Meet Thought Leader Contributors!

Paul Wyner

Some say that Paul is the strangest person they know.  Others say he's a genius brain science guy who is not only the greatest gift to the not only the mortgage industry but every industry.

Lily Boersma

While Lily is only four years old, the things that she's discovered in your curiosity ... are ... well ... very strange. 

Antonette Gabasa

Is it true that Antonette is the #1 VA in all of the Philippines?  Is it true that she can pick things up and is magical in her follow through like none other?

Mark Boersma

Prolific international speaker and author, futurist, delta, Yoda, seer, polymath, puppeteer ... just to share a few things he has been called. 

Katrina Boersma

Katrina has been called "The most consistent person in the world."  She is a machine in following through and never giving up!

Michael Schuster 

Entrepreneur, Real Estate Expert / Investor, developer and overall nice guy ... sometimes too nice and that hurts him/those around him.

Dr. Simpson

Inventor, speaker, author, science wiz ... helping children to fall in love with science and humanity

Nicole Young

Gifted leader, millennial thought leader, entrepreneur, marketing genius and overall amazing friend and young women.

Tom Kunz

Past President of largest real estate franchise in the world.  Lead raising over 100 million dollar for Easter Seals.

Nancy Virts

Founder ~ Tanglewood Conservatories, worldwide speak, author and mentor to women and men

Rosanna Boersma

Founder of Awesome Women, author of Business Sense from everyday moms and mother of 7 children

Dave Rahn

Speaker, author, TV personality, founder of Quantum Motivation with a PhD in Educational Physiology 

Alan Stein

Founder ~ Tanglewood Conservatories, worldwide speak, author and mentor to women and men

GingerAnne Collins

World speaker and author, LMI founding member, mother of four children, entrepreneur 

Peter Miles

BMW Board Member, business and social entrepreneur, founder of Quantum Thinking and www.Life-GPS.org 

Teresa Lekan

Business owner, E-VA founding member, women and children advocate

Kevin King

Mastermind Seminar Founder, stroke survivor, speaker, author, thought leader on emotional, mental, and physical healing.

Emily Dunn

Many have said ... "Emily has knowledge, insight and wisdom which someone her age should never have.

Jason Miller

Entrepreneur, Real Estate Investor, Amish model and CFO for non profits and businesses

Table Of Contents

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