Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)
ARRT = Atomic Ripple Reaction Tree / Team

ARRT is a system, a process, an operating system of sorts.  Learn how to impact a lot of people with very little effort!

EC2 + ARRT = Helping Develop People
If you ... could create a movement around anything ... what would it be?  
What Are Your Passions?
Who Do We Connect Our Passions / Vision Into Others?  

Joining someone else, as the first follower or any follower is an amazing experience and will equip each of us if we ever decide to create a movement on our own to do so.  ARRT will help us to do that.   

ARRT Roles
ARRT = Atomic Ripple Reaction Tree / Team

Yes . . . there is structure with one ARRT Mentor, two ARRT Buddies, 30 ARRT Roles, ARRT PODS and ARRT Ripples . . . BUT . . . there is also freedom and through Quantum Thinking we can learn to go outside the box as well.  Check out what crazy "Goosebumps" Paul Wyner did.  

Quantum Thinking
~ click here ~ for link to share this specific section with others.

There are 30 specific roles and each ARRT member has a specific role which brings massive value to them individually as well as to the entire ARRT Tree they belong to.  When all 30 roles are filled and working together, it's really magical.  Everyone coming together in the most amazing fashion helps any ARRT Tree to . . . well . . . change the world.  ~ click here for details / training for each role ~ 

Most people say they "WANT" something in life ... but do they really?   Make a list of everything you would give your life for and that will reveal what you really want.   Most people when they say they "WANT" something are really sharing a "WISH" more than a "WANT" and are not willing to make the sacrifices, take the ownership, do the work or care enough to do what is needed to get what they say they "WANT."  Imagine ... if you had the deep skills of the 30 above roles ... what could you achieve in your life? 

Group Frequency Ratings

Just like in science, where there are different frequencies ... the same thing is true in EC2 ARRT mastermind groups.   A radio wave is a frequency as is an X-Ray.  Which one is better?   Precisely ... neither is better ... but without question they are very different.   If you get into a too high of a frequency group ... well ... just being honest ... you'll be vaporized.   This is not healthy for you of course, the group or for the entire EC2 community.  




Best For ...

Level 1



Lift you up, make you feel great.  A very positive environment.


Those who need a boost.  Those who lack confidence and/or those who have just made a dimensional breakthrough.

Level 2



Will help us to learn new ways of thinking to succeed in the new dimension we are in.


Those who lack knowledge. Those who have just made a dimensional breakthrough and need to know the rules for the new dimension.

Level 3



You know ... or think you know what to do but aren't doing it.  Will kick your butt!


Those who aren't doing what they "know" they need to do OR maybe they think they are smart and know what they need to do but really don't.

Level 4

Very High

(Navy Seal)

Very intense ... seems abusive to most.


Those who are obsessed about making a dimensional breakthrough.

It's interesting ... often those who have the most experience and/or are the most educated think they should be in the "Navy Seal" frequency but they actually should be in one of the other lower levels.  Talk with your EC2 ARRT Mentor and the leader of the group about which frequency level the group is at.  Heads Up ... Don't take it personally if a Level 3 or Level 4 are good with you dropping out of the group.   Don't take it personally AND don't drop out of EC2.  Learn from it and join another group or maybe start your own group?  :-)   

3 Feet From Gold

Lesson ~ Never give up!  You are so close to success!  Get someone who can see what you are missing and has the courage and cares enough to tell you.  Make a list of all the times you can think of when you felt like giving up ... and you didn't?  For most people this list will reveal far more than we want it to reveal. 

What do you really WANT?

To make a dimensional break through in any area of life ... it seems that we need to ... turn our WANT almost really into an obsession.   What are you obsessed about?

What Are You Obsessed About?

Go to 2:56 in the YouTube video and see what you see and internalize this for you and your life.  
"When I was 10 years old, pop said to me, "Son, it's a truly lucky man who knows what he wants to do in this world 'cause that man will never work a day in his life." But there are a few, a precious few -- and hell, I don't know if they're lucky or not -- but there are a few people who find something they have to do. Something obsesses them. Something that if they can't do it, it's going to drive them clean out of their mind."

Which Of The Three Are You?

It's interesting how most people think think they are the sheep dog ... few of us think we are wolves or sheep ... but ... hmmm?
Are you a great manager?  Are you a great leader?  What is the difference?  What makes someone great? 

Starting / Joining A Group

When we start and/or join a group it's so very important that we understand the different personalities and how they view success in a group they are in.  It's also important to ask / answer questions about the group as well.   

Great Questions To Ask In The Formation Of A Group

Ask your ARRT Host and LMI if you are able to record the first session or couple of sessions so new individuals joining your group can get up to speed on the group, goals, frequency, focus, etc.   


1. What frequency level of group do we want? 

Most groups have a primary frequency but as a group gets more established and members get to know one another, the frequency of the group will often increase.   NOTE:  High frequency people tend to not want to be in lower frequency groups.  NOTE: Whatever frequency we have chosen to the group, how what does that mean for each team member.


2. How do we make this a fun and exciting group for everyone? 

Fun means different things for different people / personality types.  What one personality loves to do another one hates to do.   It's important to understand what fun means for each and every member.  


3. What are key / core details which we need to know? 

These are a few of the questions which LMI / EC2 encourages groups to answer.  Feel free to add whatever additional questions you think would bring benefit to the group and each member.
  • 1. [   ] - Main Frequency Level - ____________________________________
  • 2. [   ] - Is There A Primary Focus / Industry - ____________________________________
  • 3. [   ] - Number Of Weeks Someone Must Commit For ~ _____ / weeks
  • 4. [   ] - Number Of Weeks Notice Someone Must Give To Leave Group ~ ____ / weeks
  • 5. [   ] - Does someone have to find / train replacement to their role? [  ]-Yes, [  ]-No
  • 6. [   ] - _____________________________________________________________________________
  • 7. [   ] - _____________________________________________________________________________


4. How do we best bring on new members & commitment level? 

Everyone time we add a member or a member leaves it changes the entire energy of the group.   Most of the time it will set a group back some number of weeks to get everyone into alignment.
  • 1. [   ] - EC2 ARRT HOST - ____________________________________
  • 2. [   ] - Role #1 ~ Goal Setter - ____________________________________
  • 3. [   ] - Role #2 ~ Follow-Up - ____________________________________




Gifts ...


Are we all getting along?

Conflict & disagreements

Great for making people feel welcomed, cared for and a part of the group.  Great for helping to see everyone's perspective.


Are we doing everything right?

Things being done wrong

Very powerful in seeing the steps and details that need to be done to achieve the stated goals individually / group.


Fun & Excitement

Things being boring / not fun

The expressive will draw a lot of people and energy to the group and help us to do things we never dreamed possible.


Profit, Speed Getting Ahead

Things being out of control

The driver will set huge goals and do things that people say is impossible to do and make impossible breakthroughs.

NOTE:   Check with our EC2 ARRT Mentor or your ARRT HOST about your group having a channels where you can share the magical gift of Personality Masteries (DNA for PEOPLE)  with everyone you know.   

Recorded Session Ratings

In EC2 we seek to help individuals understand the frequency for different sessions.   We have used a US based movie rating system to help people have a base level understanding of the rating system.  




Best For ...

"G" Rating



This recorded session is appropriate for all age levels.


These concepts are concepts that people have generally thought about or are very "nice" concepts to chat about.

"PG" Rating



This recorded session may have some intense concepts / thoughts.


These concepts may challenge the way you think and/or help you to see things in a very different way.

"PG-13" Rating



This recorded session may cause you to be upset as it may challenge your thinking.


These concepts might challenge your way of thinking to where you "just don't agree with them at all."

"R" Rating

Very High

(Navy Seal)

This recorded session may cause you to get upset and angry.


You may get upset, angry and ticked off and even want to leave the group or the entire community.

NOTE:   Ratings, like frequencies aren't good or bad, they just are what they are.   Do not get upset or angry if you are challenged in a high frequency group and/or recorded session.  You wouldn't get upset at an "R" rated movie if you saw violence or heard language you didn't like, so its just the same here.   The various personalities types are not good or bad, but are very different.  None of us are 100% one personality type and there are some amiable personality types who are high frequency and some driver personality types who are low frequency.   

Paul Wyner is a "Delta."  You may be asking . . . "What is a delta?"  A delta is someone you could drop, anywhere on the planet and they would change everything around them.  Everything!

In the ARRT Tree once you have helped your 2 ARRT Buddies and have them on track you can slide in and help anyone you wish and anyone can help you. 

Now . . . if we want to be a Delta, like Paul is then we need to learn how to think at the Quantum Level and we need to learn how to Internalize things at the speed of thought.  Once we learn how to do this . . . we can then move to higher dimensions in "The Caring Model."

Quantum Thinking Model