Rings Of Influence ~ ROI
"Learning to bring value to others . . . for mutual benefit!"
ROI ~ "Rings Of Influence"
Do you ever have a gut feel that you are not leveraging all the people you know?

"Rings Of Influence" ~ ROI

Tom Kunz, President of the largest real estate franchise in the world, shared how ROI ~ "Rings Of Influence" helped him succeed in everything that he set his mind to. Register to learn more about this amazing concept that you won't find anywhere else . . . including Google. :-)   
Step 1 ~ Register If You Haven't Already
~ click here ~ to register for group.
Step 2 ~ Watch Video #1
Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)
"Unleashing Human Potential"
Talk Is Cheap!
"Take Action NOW!"

Video #2 ~ Q&A

Not to be harsh . . . but most people will listen to what Tom and others share, be interested or even excited . . . and then not take action and follow through.  Rings Of Influence (ROI) never happen based on people who are talkers but people who do, who take action . . . to make things happen.
Step 3 ~ Watch video #2 & Up/Out
Email the person who invited you to attend and share three things AND complete short questionnaire.  
  • 1. What did I LEARN?
  • 2. What ACTION will I take from what I learned?
  • 3. What will I learn NEXT?
What Groups Do You Want To Focus On?
Did you know that the average person on the street knows 250 people? The average number of people that a business owner knows is over 5,500 people!

Would you like 130 referrals? 

Did you know that for many service professionals there is a 13% turn rate in a database each year? This means that the average business owner, who only had 1,000 people in his database could refer you 130 people a year.   
What is your WOW income goal?  $_____________
What is your minimum income goal: $_____________
My income GAP between my WOW income goal and my minimum income is: $_____________
Take even 20% of the 130 . . . 26 transactions and multiply that by your average commission of $___________ and you get . . . $_______________.  
Now . . . imagine . . . if you had 10 of those referral sources or even more.  Imagine partnering with other ROI partners and tapping into their ROI's as well.  How powerful or profitable would that be?

What Industries Would You Like To Focus On?

  • ROI Partner ~ Talk to the individual(s) who invited you to ROI and then develop a plan together. 
  • BOS ~ With the right BOS ~ Business Operating System many industries / groups can be pursued.
  • Synergy ~ When we combine our BOS's together we can accomplish far more together than we ever could on our own.

Did You Take Action . . . 

. . . Did You Take 10 Minutes To Complete The Application?

If you did complete the 10 minute gov't application, then complete the following survey.

Most Profitable Things Other Businesses Are Doing

Check boxes for all that may apply to your situation.

1. Have someone create business systems to 10x my business.
2. Contract with E-VA's (Executive Virtual Assistants) to do things I can't get to.
3. Contract with E-VA's to CLONE myself through video to earn more while working less.
4. Contract with E-VA's to work my social media on my behalf.
5. Obtain ActionVISION coaching to assist me to follow through and stop procrastinating.
6. Obtain ActionVISION coaching to assist me in building powerful systems.
7. Obtain ActionVISION coaching to assist me in improving the productivity of my team.
Engineered CLARITY Community Membership
If you haven't joined Engineered CLARITY Community do so right now.  Do not procrastinate!  With COVID-19, things are moving faster and faster and connecting with other like minded individuals will help us to move quickly in those things we MUST move quickly to not only survive but to thrive.
To gain full value join the EC2 "Engineered CLARITY Community." ~ click here ~
Let's Take Action!
Step 1: Simple ... Easy ... ACT!
Often personalities will "over think" things.  Step 1, is simple and easy and is only $20 a month.   Don't spend hundreds or thousands of dollars to make a $20 decision.  There is no commitment.  Try one month and see how it works.  :-) 

To gain full value join the EC2 "Engineered CLARITY Community." click here 
Have A Plan
3 Step Process To Success
~ click here ~ for additional information
  • Step 1 ~ Examination
  • Step 2 ~  Solutions 
  • Step 3 ~ Implementation 

There is a process we use called Quantum Thinking which is perfect for taking a hard look at our business.  We ask the amazing questions which will help us to see opportunities that might be hard to see in the midst of COVID-19. 

Step 2: Do We Have A Plan
There are 1 million things that we want to do.  There 2 million things others want us to do and 10 million things we could be doing.  

The real question is "What are the 21" most important GREAT things we MUST do to achieve success in EVERY area of life that we value?   
Before we build a plan though we need to do an assessment.   There are a number of assessments which will help.   There is a 3 minute GIFT personality assessment that people really enjoy.  
There are three very powerful and more detailed assessments as well as three team or group assessments.   With COVID-19, it is more important than ever to make sure we are doing the the right things, in the right way with the right people.           ~ click here ~  
Let's Take Action!
Step 3: Implementation or ACTION!
What's tricky with COVID-19 is that if we don't move fast enough we can go out of business.  However, if we move fast on the wrong things, we can go out of business just as quickly.  

How do we know when to move FAST and when to move S  l  o  w?
Hopefully you have already taken action on . . . 
  • [x] ~ Applied For 10k grant ~ 10 minutes and easy to do. ~ click here ~
  • [x] ~ Step 1 ~ Examination ~ Did you complete the 3 minute GIFT Personality Assessment?   ~ click here
  • [x] ~ Step 2 ~ Plan ~ If we fail to plan . . . we plan to fail.  We will help you with this step after you take "Step 1"
Breaking Down ROI
Listen in to a GREAT lesson today that explains SIMPLE and EFFECTIVE steps to take in order to break down Rings of Influence.  Not sure how this applies to your business and making more money?  Then you absolutely need to listen to the 16 minute lesson. . . you can't afford not to!
1. List all of the groups of people you are connected with.
2. List ALL of the specific people from each group.
3. WORK the database lists you create. . .send them messages, make calls, get to know them and their needs.  
"If you want to double your income in business, you need to target groups instead of individuals"
                                          - Tom Kunz
Another great resource for you to consider is additional systems for your business.   ~ Click Here ~ to explore the Box Coaching that we have available to you. 
Box 10 ~ Measure Results
What does "Knowing Your Numbers" as Tom shares have to do with Rings Of Influence?  Great question!  Most people aren't great with numbers and do not realize how they could double their income and reduce the number of hours they work . . . IF . . . they did a better job in studying their numbers.  
Join Tom Kunz and Mark Boersma as they discuss the importance of Box 10: Measure Results, why it is life changing for your business and simple steps to take to apply it to your business.   

Another great resource for you to consider is additional systems for your business.   ~ Click Here ~ to explore the Box Coaching that we have available to you.