
We Are Curious About You.  :-) 

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What does "Flowers" even mean?

What does "Flowers" mean?
Try to have a flashback ... to special moment ... in our life ... where you were hurt and wonder at the deepest level.  What did it feel like?  When having a flashback, what do you SAW, HEAR and/or FEEL?  Do you feel you have healed from that hurt?  

We hear from a woman that stated “When you come for floristry if you make a hand-tied bouquet the wrong way, we teach you how to make it right, but with the therapy, there is no wrong or right. It’s purely about bringing out and then capturing their feeling on that day, involving both their emotions and their hands, and the finished work is something they can take with them as a permanent reminder of how they experienced themselves on that day”
  • Why is Manage Up & Out so powerful? ~​We often watch something ... and actually think it's really good ... but then do not internalize it.  We do not think deeply about how what we learned could change our lives forever.   We do not TAKE ACTION on what we learned!  
  • What is Manage Up & Out?​~ After every video, white paper and/or mastermind call we encourage members to share with at least two others three things. 
  • 1. What did I LEARN.  
  • 2. What ACTION will I take.  
  • 3. What do I need to learn NEXT
  • What is an ARRT Mentor and two ARRT Buddies? ~ ARRT "Atomic Ripple Reaction Tree / Team" and is designed to take what we have learned and share it with the world.  Each individual is assigned one ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies.  

Hmmm ... this is interesting!

Let's be honest ... if we look at the drawing to the left, we probably have no idea as to what is being shared ... unless of course we are feeling or sensing the energy of the person who was seeking to "crack the code" as to what "Hurt At A Heart Level" even means.  
As you learned from Mark's story of hurt at a heart level, we know that he was in deep pain / anguish and the steel bands around his heart were in place to protect him from getting hurt again.  Maybe ... maybe not?

As Mark looks over this over 15 years later ... he sees "Truth" as in the "Truth will set you free."   He also sees "Take Personal Ownership" for your response to being hurt and what type of a human being will you become as a result of the hurt?

Will you make a choice to embrace the 7 P's to Prosperity or the 9 D's to Defeat.   Mark also wrote the white paper "Why I Choose Not To Succeed."  ~ click here

Even in spite of not knowing precisely what this meant or how to heal from it, Mark has invested the rest of his life to finding this healing for himself and others as well.  

Do This!

When we know our life vision we will get FAR more out of any group we are in.  Share this with others in the group.


When we engage and share our questions, challenges, problems, thoughts and insights we give more and get more.

What Is Your Personality?

Hmmm ... this is interesting!

So ... have you ever been part of a networking or mastermind group and did not feel you really gained a lot of value from participating?  
We approach mastermind groups in the most fascinating way by knowing one another's personalities so we can be helped and help others.

My Question, Thought or 
Topic For The Group Is ... 

Do you have a question, topic, thought, problem or anything you would like input on, from the group?

Other Sessions You May Enjoy ...

A Favorite Session

Healing At A 
Heart Level

Healing Of The Mind
... Through The Arts

This session will be changed every once in a while and be something like "The People's Choice."   :-) 
Hmmm ... do you have things that don't make sense in your life?  Do you have hurt, bitterness, anger or other feelings / emotions and not sure why?   Great series!!!
If we heal our minds will that heal our hearts and our bodies?   Can the arts ... not only heal the artists mind / heart but the minds and hearts of others?

* * * Discover My Life Vision * * *

Why am I here?  
What is my purpose?

What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing? Would you like to solve that problem? This simple and easy exercise will help!
We will get so much more from this group when we do this simple exercise ... AND ... we will be able to connect our vision to others.

Do you need help with follow through, motivation, organization or consistency?

It's alright ... Most of us do!  :-)

Most of us belong to Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2) because of all the resources provided, the mentor and buddies we are assigned who help us gain extreme clarity, improve our follow through, motivation, organization and consistency.  :-)

"Our wounds are often the openings into the best and most beautiful part of us."

~ David Richo ~

Weekly Mastermind Calls

Life Masteries Institute hosts numerous mastermind calls each week for many different topics! If you have never been a part of a mastermind group...they are VERY different than a networking group! While networking groups give you a fish, mastermind groups help you learn how to fish by working on your biggest challenges! 

Table Of Contents

Direct Links To Share With Others

When we help others to grow their business, they will help us to grow our business.
Click on the link and share the url with others.