MacKay 66
1. Name
2. Phone
3. Date of Interview
4. Audio link for interview
* * * How to earn more using the MacKay 66 * * *
Step 1. Look for groups of people you are connected to that you may not be fully leveraging the connections.
....HOW: Often bringing a lot of value to a group of people will start to open doors. To do that discover the biggest challenge, overall, that individuals in the group may be facing and then provide a solutions. Often the 5/30 Grid for businesses and Personality Masteries for community/people based group are two things you can bring which don't cost you or them anything.
Step 2: Look for key people you may know who are very connected to a lot of people and/or very influencial people. (See "HOW" in Step #1 and do the same thing.)
Step 3: Look for those things you are really passionate about and look for ways to better leverage those for additional income.
Step 4: Are there any key people you know that by having a VA do the MacKay 66 on them might help you to better help them and create a WIN WIN WIN for everyone?
A. Customer / Contributor
1. Name & Personal
1b. Nickname
1c. Title
2. Company name and address
3. Home address
4. Telephone
4b. Business
4c. Business
5. Birth date and place
5b. Hometown
6. Height
6b. Weight
6c. Outstanding physical characteristics (Examples: balding, great conditions, arthritis, severe back problems, etc.)
B. Education
7. High school and year
7b. College
7c. Graduated when
7d. Degrees
8. College honors
8b. Advanced degrees
9. College fraternity or sorority
9b. Sports
10. Extracurricular college activities
11. If customer didn’t attend college, is he/she sensitive about it?
11b. What did they do instead?
12. Military Service
12b. Discharge rank
C. Family
13. Martital status
13b. Spouse's name
14. Spouse's education
15. Spouse's interests/actitivies/affiliations
16. Wedding Anniversary
17. Children, if any, names and ages
17b. Does client have custody
18. Children's education
19. Children's interests (hobbies, problems, etc.)
D. Business Background
20. Previous employment (most recent first)
20b. Company
20c. Location
20d. Dates
20e. Title
20f. Company
20g. Location
20h. Dates
20i. Title
21. Previous position at present company
21b. Title
21c. Dates
22. Any "status" symols in office?
23. Professional or trade associations
23b. Office or honors in them
24. Any mentors?
25. What business relationship does he/she have with others in the company?
26. Is it a good relationship?
26b. Why?
27. What other people in our company know the customer?
28. Type of connection
28b. Nature of relationship
29. What is the client's attitude toward his/her company?
30. What is his/her long-range business objective?
31. What is his/her immediate business objective?
32. What is of the greatest concern to the customer at this time: the welfare of the company or his/her own personal welfare?
33. Does the customer think of the present or the future?
33b. Why?
E. Special Interests
34. Clubs or service clubs (Masons, Kiwanis, etc.)
35. Politically active?
35b. Party
35c. Importance to customer
36. Active in community?
36b. How?
37. Religion
37b. Active?
38. Highly confidential items NOT to be discussed with the customer (for example, divorce, member of AA, etc.)
39. On what subjects (outside of business) does the customer have strong feelings for?
F. Lifestyle
40. Medical history (current condition of health)
41. Does customer drink?
41b. If yes, what and how much?
42. If no, offended by others drinking?
43. Does customer smoke?
43b. If no, object to others?
44. Favorite places for lunch
44b. Dinner
45. Favorite items on menu
46. Does the customer object to having anyone buy his/her meal?
47. Hobbies and recreational interests
47b. What does the customer like to read?
48. Vacation habits
49. Spectator-sports interest: sports and teams…
50. Kind of car(s)
51. Conversational interests
52. Who does the customer seem anxious to impress?
53. How does he/she want to be seen by those people?
54. What adjectives would you use to describe the customer?
55. What is he/she most proud of having achieved?
56. What do you feel is the customer's long-range personal objective?
57. What do you feel is the customer's immediate person goal?
G. The Customer and You
58. What moral or ethical considerations are involved when you work with the customer?
59. Does the customer feel any obligation to you, your company, or your competition?
59b. If so, what?
60. Does the proposal you plan to make to him/her require the customer to change a habit or take an action that is contrary to custom?
61. Is he/she primarily concerned about the opinion of others?
62. Or very self-centered?
62b. Highly ethical?
63. What are the key problems as the customer sees them?
64. What are the priorities of the customer's management?
64b. Any conflicts between the customer and management?
65. Can you help with these problems?
65b. How?
66. Does your competitor have better answers to the above questions than you have
H. Additional Questions and/or Notes
1. For Business:
a. Where do you believe you could earn the most amount of dollars for your company with just a little more work, knowledge, effort, focus, energy, and/or connections?
b. Where do you believe the most long-term potential is within your company?
c. Where do you believe the most dollars could be generated in the short-term?
d. If your whole team has 10 leads with a lead being a name and a phone number how many would convert, the average in most industries is 1 out of 10, what would yours be?
1. What would be the two things you believe could/need to be done to get that from "____" to "____" and who do you think in your organization would be the most likely to take action on a plan/tools/systems if that were in place?
2. How much is one sale worth to your company, short-term (90 days): _________ & Long-term: 3 years: $__________
e. If a company where to help you with tools, systems, a plan, and/or coaching to help you in this area, how much additional revenue would your company gain from this effort?
f. Do you have a rough idea of your overall profitability as a percentage? ______%
g. If someone were to help you and/or your team improve their whole work productivity how much additonal yearly revenue do you believe it would generate for you ________________ for your company ______________?
h. Is there anything else you can think of where we or other key partners/friends may be able to assist to signifanctly increase your bottom line profit?
I. Life Vision
1. What are you really passionate about?
2. Do you have anything, community/people outreach wise that you would love to make a difference in the lives of others?
3. Do you have a writen Life Vision and/or have any idea as to the reason God put you on this planet?
4. If you were not working . . . where would you invest your time/resources?
5. Who are the 5 most influencenial people you know in the world? Those who have the most connections to the most people.
6. Have you ever written a book?
7. Have you ever thought about writing a book and/or had others who have said you should write a book?
8. If you were to write a book what would you write it on?
9. Have you ever been on TV or the radio?
10. Do you have any connections to people in TV or Radio? List out connections.
11. Every single person in the world is probably better than everyone else in at least one thing. If there was one thing you think you might be better than anyone else in the world, what might that be? DO NOT be modest. :-)