What Do Women Want?

We Are Curious About You.  :-) 

~ click to go to lessons.  ~ click to go to table of contents.

This is a most interesting video ... but will we really see what is most interesting?
Will we internalize what is shared and will this change our lives forever?

When you watch this video ...

Do we have the ability to learn to Think Differently?

So ... What Do You Think?

How does this connect back into EQ ... into this group, into our success in every area of life?
  • Why is Manage Up & Out so powerful? ~​We often watch something ... and actually think it's really good ... but then do not internalize it.  We do not think deeply about how what we learned could change our lives forever.   We do not TAKE ACTION on what we learned!  
  • What is Manage Up & Out?​~ After every video, white paper or mastermind call we encourage members to share with at least two others three specific things. 
  • 1. What did I LEARN.  
  • 2. What ACTION will I take.  
  • 3. What do I need to learn NEXT
  • What is an ARRT Mentor and two ARRT Buddies? ~ ARRT "Atomic Ripple Reaction Tree / Team" and is designed to take what we have learned and share it with the world.  Each individual is assigned one ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies.  

Do This!

When we know our life vision we will get FAR more out of any group we are in.  Share this with others in the group.


When we engage and share our questions, challenges, problems, thoughts and insights we give more and get more.

What Is Your Personality?

Hmmm ... this is interesting!

So ... have you ever been part of a networking or mastermind group and did not feel you really gained a lot of value from participating?  
We approach mastermind groups in the most fascinating way by knowing one another's personalities so we can be helped and help others.

My Question, Thought or 
Topic For The Group Is ... 

Do you have a question, topic, thought, problem or anything you would like input on, from the group?

#7. How well do we really see ourselves?

#8. What Are Energy Vampires?

#9. Do you have a sense of humor?

What's most interesting is that we can learn the most about ourselves ... by what we think we see in others.
Do those who have PTSD take advantage of others?  Do others take advantage of those who have PTSD?  Hmmm ...
Do we see the nail in our heads? If we laugh ... or ... if we get upset ... either way ... it reveals a lot about us. In experiencing PTSD, how it will help you?

* * * Discover My Life Vision * * *

Why am I here?  
What is my purpose?

What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing? Would you like to solve that problem? This simple and easy exercise will help!
We will get so much more from this group when we do this simple exercise ... AND ... we will be able to connect our vision to others.

Do you need help with follow through, motivation, organization or consistency?

It's alright ... Most of us do!  :-)

Most of us belong to Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2) because of all the resources provided, the mentor and buddies we are assigned who help us gain extreme clarity, improve our follow through, motivation, organization and consistency.  :-)

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~ Albert Einstein ~

Notes From Others ... 

Do NOT cheat yourself on improving your EQ and "just take these notes from others."  Watch the video and write out your thoughts BEFORE you read what others are thinking.  

  • I'm stupid ...​do not even know it!  We often think others are stupid but fail to see it in ourselves.  Good to apply the mirror principle and see whatever we see in others there is some of that in ourselves.  Until we realize that, probably good to be cautious in sharing with others before we self examine.   
  • People around me are stupid ... ~​Like minded people tend to gather around other people like themselves.   This is not bad in and of itself but if we're just around people who think like we do, we will have this 
  • I never realized ...​or even thought that stupid was a "moral" thing!   How crazy, cool and amazing is that?  
  • Hmmm ...​maybe ... this is what I have been looking to for years?!?!  Why does a company / organization start out "good" with a great cause, intention and vision and when it gets large, it seems to become internally focused and then self destruct?
  • Awesome Feature - Super Cool Thing #1
  • Even Cooler Feature - Amazing Thing #2
  • And So Much More...

Weekly Mastermind Calls

Life Masteries Institute hosts numerous mastermind calls each week on many different topics! If you have never been a part of a mastermind group...they are VERY different than a networking group! While networking groups give you a fish, mastermind groups help you learn how to fish by working on your biggest challenges! 

Table Of Contents

Direct Links To Share With Others

When we help others to grow their business, they will help us to grow our business.
Click on the link and share the url with others.

Section #1


Section #3

Direct Link #1
     Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)