About & Goals

We Are Curious About You.  :-) 

~ click to go to lessons.  ~ click to go to table of contents.

About Masterminds
& Goals for Groups

What is your biggest challenge?  What area of your life would you love help on?  Learning to Think Differently is the key to solving any problem and EC2 masterminds are amazing!

What Is A Mastermind Group?

A group of like-minded people who desire to learn, grow and connect together around a common area of interest, focus, topic, problem, opportunity or something that connects us all together. 
  • What is the purpose of this group?​~ The short answer is ... "What do you want the purpose of the group to be?" ... "That is what it is!"  See EC2 mastermind groups are unlike anything you have ever been a part of in the past.   Each person comes prepared with a curious question connected into something we as a group are working through together OR it could be something you are working on yourself.  It is up to you as to what this group is about. 
  • What is THIS group's draw?​~ One example ... let's use the EQ for Leaders mastermind goal for an example.   Those who see the value of engaging with those in leader for the good of the business.   
  • Can non law enforcement attend? ~ YES ... for sure!   We in law enforcement deeply understand that we need to do this together with others.   Those in education, don't have all the answers to education. Those in politics, media, business, medical do not have all the answers for their areas of expertise and we in law enforcement know that we need input from others as others probably can benefit from some of the things we may see.  

Overview & Our Goals Video

  • EC2 Mastermind Groups ...​focus on learning to think differently and taking action to solve problems at the core.  Come to each LIVE mastermind call with what you want to accomplish and/or a challenge or problem you would like to solve. 
  • What is Manage Up & Out?​~ After every video, white paper and/or mastermind call we encourage members to share with at least two others three things. 1. What did I LEARN.  2. What ACTION will I take.  3. What do I need to learn NEXT
  • What is an ARRT Mentor and two ARRT Buddies? ~ ARRT "Atomic Ripple Reaction Tree / Team" and is designed to take what we have learned and share it with the world.  Each individual is assigned one ARRT Mentor and 2 ARRT Buddies.  
  • For other sessions you may enjoy ... ~ click here

Time Blocking to Get Business Running Without Me

Do This!

When we know our life vision we will get FAR more out of any group we are in.  Share this with others in the group.


When we engage and share our questions, challenges, problems, thoughts and insights we give more and get more.

What Is Your Personality?

Hmmm ... this is interesting!

So ... have you ever been part of a networking or mastermind group and did not feel you really gained a lot of value from participating?  
We approach mastermind groups in the most fascinating way by knowing one another's personalities so we can be helped and help others.

My Question, Thought or 
Topic For The Group Is ... 

Do you have a question, topic, thought, problem or anything you would like input on, from the group?

Other Sessions You May Enjoy ...

About Our Group
& Goals

Theory of Stupid

How well do we really see ourselves?

When you think of success as a leader, what do you think of? When you think of your biggest challenge / problem and why it hasn't been solved, do you think about improving your EQ? :-)
 This video may change your mind on the meaning of that word and how it applies to us and those around us.
What's most interesting is that we can learn the most about ourselves ... by what we think we see in others.

* * * Discover My Life Vision * * *

Why am I here?  
What is my purpose?

What is the biggest challenge you are currently facing? Would you like to solve that problem? This simple and easy exercise will help!
We will get so much more from this group when we do this simple exercise ... AND ... we will be able to connect our vision to others.

Do you need help with follow through, motivation, organization or consistency?

It's alright ... Most of us do!  :-)

Most of us belong to Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2) because of all the resources provided, the mentor and buddies we are assigned who help us gain extreme clarity, improve our follow through, motivation, organization and consistency.  :-)

"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them."

~ Albert Einstein ~

Weekly Mastermind Calls

Life Masteries Institute hosts numerous mastermind calls each week for many different topics! If you have never been a part of a mastermind group...they are VERY different than a networking group! While networking groups give you a fish, mastermind groups help you learn how to fish by working on your biggest challenges! 

Table Of Contents

Direct Links To Share With Others

When we help others to grow their business, they will help us to grow our business.
Click on the link and share the url with others.

Section #1


Section #2

Discover My Life Vision in 20 minutes
Direct Link #1

Section #3

3 minute Personality Test
     Engineered CLARITY Community (EC2)